商品の説明 刃の角が角ばった形をしている関西型の菜切り包丁です。 全長約300mm 刃の長さ約165mm 柄の長さ約115mm 材質青紙 重さ約155g 桂部分水牛 名前の刻印はありませんが藤下新次氏作の手造り鍛造包丁です。 彼の技術が素晴らしいのは切れ味が抜群なだけでなく素晴らしいバランスで仕上げられていることです。蕎麦切り包丁が有名ですが家庭包丁も素晴らしい仕上がりです。 刃はとても薄い仕上がりなのに鋭い刃というのは彼の作品の全てに共通しています。 少し汚れが見られるためお安くしています。箱付きです! made by shinji fujishita the japanese government named shinji a /"contemporary master craftman/" in 2008. unforunetly he passed away so this is the very precious knife he had ever made. his skill to make a knife is different from others. it keeps a great balance as well as cuts well.the blade is super sharp although it is very thin.this is the main characteristic for all of his knives! made of aogami. square corner style. aogami is a brand name of yasugi specialty steel made by hitachi kinzoku,and it is known as one of the expensive steel in japan! it will rust easily but sharpness of the blade is amazing! please keep doing maintenance!compared with shirogami, aogami will stop rusting at some point. also it's easy to sharpen. 商品の情報 カテゴリーキッチン・日用品・その他 > キッチン・食器 > 調理器具 > 包丁・ナイフ > 菜切り包丁商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域群馬県
全長約300mm 刃の長さ約165mm 柄の長さ約115mm 材質青紙 重さ約155g 桂部分水牛
made by shinji fujishita
the japanese government named shinji a /"contemporary master craftman/" in 2008. unforunetly he passed away
so this is the very precious knife he had ever made. his skill to make a knife is different from others. it keeps a great balance as well as cuts well.the blade is super sharp although it is very thin.this is the main characteristic for all of his knives!
made of aogami. square corner style. aogami is a brand name of yasugi specialty steel made by hitachi kinzoku,and it is known as one of the expensive steel in japan! it will rust easily but sharpness of the blade is amazing! please keep doing maintenance!compared with shirogami, aogami will stop rusting at some point. also it's easy to sharpen.
カテゴリーキッチン・日用品・その他 > キッチン・食器 > 調理器具 > 包丁・ナイフ > 菜切り包丁商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域群馬県